Sonntag, 26. Oktober 2014

Sewing Project: Winter Coat.

I went through a very long progress with this coat. 
Mostly because it's the biggest and most difficult project I've ever attempted to do. 
I probably started thinking about it 7 months ago and I finished it this afternoon. 
It's quite intimidating to work with that much expensive fabric, 
because with every stich you're afraid you ruin the whole thing.

The grey speckled woolen fabric and the fake fur is from butinette, the rest of the material is from a really cool fabric store in Nürnberg.
All in all I paid about 30 to 40 € for the fabric and thread. 
Not too bad if you think about store-pricings for coats. 
I'd say it took me 7-8 hours "physical work" to make this 
apart from thinking about the design and construction of the pattern. 

The coat is definitely not perfectly sewn or anything, 
but I did it all myself and that makes me super proud. 

There will be some properly styled pictures soon!

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