Dienstag, 2. September 2014

Food. #7

My lovely best friend introduced me to this, Ajvar, a bosnian paprika mousse. 

// AJVAR // 

I used this recipe from "Der Bio Koch", which is not 100% traditional, but yummy either way.
Here's the translation:


500g red pepper
1 onion
3 gloves garlic
1/2 lemon (the juice)
some olive oil
black pepper

Put the red pepper in the oven (without oil or anything) and bake until the skin comes off easily. 
Apparently it's much easier with those longer thinner peppers (as used by the Bio Koch as well). 
Peel the peppers and finely dice, do the same with onion and garlic. Lightly fry the onion and garlic in a pan with olive oil and add the pepper shortly after.
Season with black pepper, chili and salt and mix in the lemon juice. At a low temperature leave that to boil. The pepper will get softer after a bit. Traditionally you would let it in there at low temperature for a longer time but for this version 15-20 minutes are fine. You then can decide weather to mash everything up for a smoother mousse or leave it as it is with bigger bits and peaces. 

The ajvar is great as a spread on any bread, pasta sauce or even on a pizza (a recipe for that will be up soon). Enjoy! 

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