Donnerstag, 12. Juni 2014

Veganism. // Food.

Since October 2014 I'm vegan. It started out as an experiment of one "vegan-weekend", but I liked it so much that I didn't stop. I've been a vegetarien for years before that, so it wasn't that hard. Also I just felt much more energetic and light, better overall.
The people around me had been quite supportive as well, which made it even easier.
The more I think about being vegan, the more it seems right to me. I think humans nowadays have the choice to eat what they want and decide about that freely. Not like the people of stone-age.
Don't you think it's kind of gross to drink another living creature's mother's milk? We are the only ones doing that.

I have to say that there are "diet"-exeptions. For example when I'm traveling and I can't even read the ingredients. I don't want to spent my holidays running around searching for vegan food. Also on special occasions (such as christmas etc.) I might treat myself with a buttery christmas cookie. But still I would for example never eat meat, fish or drink a glass of milk. There are some things you won't get back to.
I don't want to justify myself, I just wanted to say that.

Anyways enough of that story-telling. With this post I wanted to start a little series to basically show you what I eat.
I don't know If anybody else does that, but I am and always have been curious about other people's eating habits. Maybe to compare myself with them or just to get new ideas...i don't know.
So if there are any of you interested in that kind of stuff stay tuned for more posts to come.



This would be a typical lunch that I would make if I'm not in a hurry.

To be fair most of the time I eat something light like that I eat another bread with marmalade or something. a) because I might still be hungry b) because I ALWAYS need something sweet after lunch or dinner.

This is just normal smoked tofu and sliced avocado, all I did was to put a bit of balsamic vinegar, oil, salt and pepper on top of it. The cucumber was a left-over from dinner the day before.
And also I ate this light cornflour bread.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Cool-sounding recipe! I've been vegetarian for over two years and I love it.
